miercuri, martie 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday, preluat de la Irina
Posted by 8avia at 10:02 0 comments
Labels: wordless Wednesday
miercuri, martie 18, 2009
Today is Wednesday - wordless...
Neamt Monastery...
Irina had the idea to take over the Wordless Wednesday concept - which I pretty much like! Come and join us if you want.
Posted by 8avia at 10:54 0 comments
Labels: wordless Wednesday
marți, martie 17, 2009
o sa fie si zile cu peste
De sarbatoarea Bunei Vestiri, este dezlegare la peste... ca o mamica gospodina ce sunt incerc sa ma gandesc din timp ce sa gatesc. Bona noastra este pe stil vechi, asadar din pacate ea nu va avea miercuri dezlegarea ci abia peste doua saptamani in martea de dinaintea Floriilor. In paranteza fie spus nici Sorin - care are o cultura teologica destul de buna - nu a stiut sa imi spuna de ce. Poate o sa ma ajute cineva cu raspunsul la intrebarea aceasta. Daca intre timp voi afla o sa va anunt!
Revenind la peste: va place fotografia de mai jos?
Nu se vede exact cat de mare este crapul, dar credeti-ma ca era urias! Nu am reusit sa fotografiez si un obiect de referinta - trebuia sa imi fi introdus mana pe acolo....
Daca as cumpara acest pestisor, nu as reusi sa il termin intr-o saptamana! Dar poate cu reteta pe care vreau sa v-o impartasesc.... cine stie!?
prepararea e simpla, iar reteta merge mai mult la fileuri (noi am incercat cu pangasius):
- se toarna ulei intr-o tava
- se adauga pestele taiat bucati si condimentat cu ce vreti voi
- 1 ardei rosu si 1 ardei galben (pentru culoare!) taiat fidelute. Aveti mai mult peste - mai mult ardei, desigur!
- o capatana de usturoi zdrobit
- 1 rosie sau 1 lingura bulion diluat in putina apa, sau sos de rosii.
- se da la cuptor, ce sa zic: 45 min , o ora sau pana e gata.
- e f. bun.
- reteta e luata de la mama prin tanti Maria (cum, nu stiati? nasa fiului meu ^_^)
cu drag,
Posted by 8avia at 09:38 0 comments
Labels: bucatarie
sâmbătă, martie 14, 2009
luni, martie 09, 2009
Our Great Fast Days
I remember how my life was before kids came. I went to church so often, especially when I was pregnant! I imagined that my life will not much change in this aspect, but now I realize that I cannot enjoy going to church as much as I did in the past for the simple reason that kids don't let me do so! Its strange, but look: I have pried so much to receive the blessed to have a child, and now when I have much more than one, they are the reason (somehow) for not going so much to the church.
These days I was in contact with some ladies who try harder to become mommies and for this they apply a regular prayers program, go to holy ceremonies and well known churches and monasteries. They are s enthusiastic and I was wondering if they realize ho much this will change after littles angels will come into their life. Sometimes to tired to read an Acatist, or if I have time and the kids are not asleep they don't have patient and disturb and good by focus!
But of course I have an explanation or an excuse, so to say.These years are specials because we, mommies are dedicating our lives, mind, bodies and soul to our kids. I like to say (with some pedantry in my atitude) to my other colleagues who are complaining of their parent life: Be prepared, and be conscious that these are sacrifice years. Not ad literam of course, because now is easy than in the past (I praise all the time the washing machine and diapers!!), but you can't move around without your new family And you cannot enjoy your hobbies and even more, you cannot organize your social life as you would like to. So, get real, this is the situation, enjoy it as much as you can, laugh all the time or just smile (as I do - and maybe sometimes they think I'm not a serious person) and bear in mind that retirement will come soon to have some peace for God sake!
Posted by 8avia at 14:12 2 comments
sâmbătă, martie 07, 2009
so..Casi did it.. chicken pox
God, I hate this catching disease! Actually I am furious becouse my mother in law told us that Casiana went through this one and a half year ago when I was in the last month of my pregnancy with David. But I don't think that it was true - you know - you make this disease one in a life cause it gives you immunity for the rest of your life.
Now the other problems are: 1.I think David will catch it, too. 2. I think I WILL GONNA' have it!! because I didn't when I was a child. It's quite stupid as you have to wait for 2 weeks to see if the first hot pimples will appear.
What can I say about Cassy? She is very agitated ans scratches her skin dramatically even if, of course, I repeat her not to! so that this pox not to leave scars on her beautiful face and body. She slept last night very difficult and today she was scratching her back on the bed, on the sheets, like a puppy in the dust. She feels more comfortable staying in my arms and asks for this even when I'm driving - which is quite illegal! but when the red is on I hold her and when the light turns to green, I ask her to go backwards on hear seat. She has fever and she cries almost all the time. But after a while I think she realizes that words and moans are inutile so she just talk with her big and beautiful eyes.
Oh cassi, get well sooner!
Posted by 8avia at 13:25 0 comments
Labels: lIFE
my little flower
I bought from Vienna some bulbs packages with spring flowers like little blue ones an some tiny tulips with chessboard model! I wasn't too confident that I will succeed seeing them blooming, but as you can see in below pictures, I did.
The secret is to hold them in cool places or to put the bulbs in the soil in Nov, or Dec so that they could benefit of the cold period. I think it's like a hibernation or like a long relaxing night when you awake fresh and full of life.
I found out also that during the winter you should stop water the most majority of flowers (or at least water them rarely) if you want in the spring a spectacular blooming. We have a flower pot in Vica's room and of course during our Christmas holiday in Falticeni, we didn't drench the soil for a couple of weeks. And now - surprise - surprise the plant has flowers.
I was never good at agricultural activities but I guess I'm getting old and while dreaming at my ING future rich pension I even read twice a book (from communism era) about how to grow vegetables in your yard! I'm quite pride of myself doing that and I decided not to stay, but...to apply! So today I cut with a spade our tiny yard (not all, but quite a lot!). I intend to do some more works next week, when I hope it will be sunny, and maybe even seed some grass!
Oh, but take a look at my beautiful pics down here - taken with my new HTC Diamond.
Signed: Peasant woman in the glamorous city!
Posted by 8avia at 12:31 0 comments
Labels: Fotoblog
grand chef
Asa cum vedeti in fotografia de mai sus, in acest fel ma ajuta David in bucatarie, spre disperarea lui Sorin, bineinteles.Si daca Casiana statea acolo pe dulapul din bucatarie, cuminte-cumincioara, el intra in priza di primul moment. Astazi a incercat numaidecat sa introduca furculita - pe care ca s-o apuce a rasturnat o cana - in prajitorul de paine pe care l-a si pornit! Pentru ca l-am apucat de ureche si l-am dat jos de pe masa, stergand suparata ceaiul varsat si scotand furculita din aparat, David statea descumpanit - stiti e cam prima data cand fac asta - si nu stia ce sa faca: sa se supere, sa protesteze, sa se linguseasca sau sa incerce sa ma convinga sa il urc inapoi. Mi s-a facut mila de el si l-am luat in brate. M-a strans asa de tare saracutul de el.
Posted by 8avia at 11:23 0 comments
Labels: Perle copii